
We combine theory and experiments to understand the computations organisms perform to navigate chemical environments, and the molecular and cellular circuits that enable them. With bacteria we analyze information processing in individual cells, the molecular basis of individuality, and how biological diversity can be beneficial to populations. With fruit flies we examine how insects use their sense of smell to perform goal oriented olfactory navigation, and how they adapt their decision-making strategies in real time as odor signal statistics and environmental conditions change.

Our lab is interdisciplinary with expertise in microbiology, neuroscience, physics and engineering. If you are interested in a postdoc, graduate or undergraduate students position, please contact Thierry by email with your CV and a latter of intent.

The Emonet Lab is gratefull for funding by The National Institute of Health, the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, The Whitehall Foundation,  The James S. McDonnell Foundation, The National Science Foundation, The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative, and The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.


June 21, 2023
Check out our latest paper using optogenetics to examine how flies use both the frequency and duration of encouters with odor in their navigational strategy! In the wild,...
April 5, 2023
We’re very excited to announce Lam won an NIH F31 fellowship to fund his graduate studies! Lam is interested in using traditional microbiology, microfluidics and...
November 11, 2022
Yale News has a nice article about our paper on odor motion detection in today’s issue. See also the cool video.