
July 9, 2024
Jeremy’s paper is out! In uncertain environments, phenotypic diversity can be advantageous for survival. However, as the environmental uncertainty decreases, the...
January 9, 2024
Check out Average and Henry’s exciting paper in which they devised a new way to monitor in real time how a migrating population of E. coli (red) generates its own...
June 21, 2023
Check out our latest paper using optogenetics to examine how flies use both the frequency and duration of encouters with odor in their navigational strategy! In the wild,...
April 5, 2023
We’re very excited to announce Lam won an NIH F31 fellowship to fund his graduate studies! Lam is interested in using traditional microbiology, microfluidics and...
November 11, 2022
Yale News has a nice article about our paper on odor motion detection in today’s issue. See also the cool video. 
November 10, 2022
Congratulation Nirag, Mahmut and Brian for the publication in Nature of their discovery that flies can smell the motion of odor packets transported by the wind and use that...
May 16, 2022
Congratulations to Lam and Henry who were just recognized by the MCDB committee for Diversity and Professional Climate for their efforts to promote Diversity, Equity and...