Great news! Three very talented postdocs, Henry Mattingly, Keita Kamino and Mahmut Demir, will be leaving the lab this summer to start new positions. Keita will be starting...
Viraaj and Nirag’s paper is now on eLife! Motivated by recent studies of walking fruit flies from our lab and others, they use simulations and theory to investigate why in...
Henry and Keita’s paper quantifying the rate at which E. coli acquire information during navigation was just published in Nature Physics! Using a combination of theory...
Henry’s newest paper is up on bioRxiv! Through theory and simulations, Henry discovered a mechanism for bacterial populations to to adapt their phenotypic composition...
Congratulations Jeremy. This is awesome achievement.
Remember Charlotte Brannon who spent 4 years with us as an undergraduate student? She just won an NSF GRFP award to support her PhD, which she will do in the lab of Manu...